Cody Cruzers

Cody Cruzers

Cody Country Car Show

August 23rd & 24th 2024

Cody Wyoming - City Park

The Cody Cruzers is looking forward to hosting the 12th annual Cody Country Car Show. A portion of the proceeds from the show will fund our memorial scholarship. A weekend of fun for everyone, in downtown Cody Wyoming at the Cody City Park.


Friday August 23rd: Cruise by yourself or with your buddies on our evening poker run. Starting at 4:00 pm and going until 7:00 pm. Registration for the poker run is at City Park where you will begin and go at your own leisure, taking in the scenery around Cody Wyoming. ALL PUBLIC WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE. Participants have the chance to win half of the poker run pot, each hand is $5.00. For dinner join us in City Park to dine at one of our local food trucks.


Saturday August 24th:  Show Starts at 10:00 am. Parking for participants will begin at 6:30 am. Judging starts at 10:00 am and goes until 2:00 pm, this includes cars and pin-up competitors.  Awards and raffle winners will be announced following the end of judging.

Thank You to all of our sponsors -

Past, Present & future